Data Source Setups

The following specific connection details are needed for each type of data source in addition to the general ones described here.

Amazon Athena

  • Port: usually 444
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password
  • Region: select an AWS region from the list
  • S3 Staging Directory:

Amazon Redshift

  • Port: usually 5439
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Amazon S3

There is no need for a server address. The connection is built from the region and keys instead.

  • Region: select an AWS region from the list
  • Authentication: provide the AWS access Key ID and secret access keys

Apache Drill

  • Port: usually 31010
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Apache Hive

  • Port: usually 10000
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Apache Presto

  • Port: usually 8080
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Azure Blob

There is no need for a server address. The connection is built from the keys instead.

  • Authentication: provide the Azure account and keys

Azure Synapse

  • Instance Nameprovide the name of the instance if configured. This should be blank if using the default. This is not required if specifying a port.
  • Port: usually 1433
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

BigQuery (Google)

There is no need for a server address. The connection is built from the OAuth code. First, you need to sign into Google to retrieve the code.

  • OAuth Code: provide the Google OAuth key


  • HTTP Path: as defined in the Databricks/ Spark control panel
  • Port: usually 443


  • Port: default is 9999
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


  • Port: typically 8563
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


Facebook requires a more complex process for setup. Click here for more details.


  • Port: typically 3050
  • Default Database: The connection must have at least 1 database included to work.
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Glue (Datavard)

Datavard Glue needs to be installed into the host SAP system before the connection can be established.

  • URL: this is the REST API entry point from Glue
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Each intermediate Glue destination server (configured in Glue) needs to be mapped to its corresponding server in Pyramid. Both technologies need to be pointing at the same physical server and content for the connector to operate. Each Glue package is associated with a destination. The package will not be available unless that destination is added.

Google Analytics

There is no need for a server address. The connection is built from the OAuth code. First, you need to sign into Google to retrieve the code.

  • OAuth Code: provide the Google OAuth key

Google Sheets

There is no need for administrative setup here, it can be setup from the Model interface directly. The sheets need to be transitioned to the "public" mode - where a simple URL provides access to the content.


  • Port: usually 6432
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


  • Port: typically 50000
  • Default Database: The connection must have at least 1 database included to work.
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


  • Default Database: The connection must have at least 1 database included to work.
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


  • Port: typically 21050
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Pyramid In-Memory

  • Port: typically 12170
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password. The user is usually "default". Using different user names on the same address, will hard segment the data files and effectively create stand alone instances on the same host machine.


  • Port: typically 3306
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


  • Port:typically 3306
  • Default Database: The connection must have at least 1 database included to work.
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Note: You can also use the MySQL connector for MemSQL.

Mongo BI Connector

This connector requires the enterprise edition of Mongo.

  • Port:typically 3307
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password

Microsoft OLAP (Multidimensional) & Tabular

  • Instance Nameprovide the name of the instance if configured. This should be blank if using the default. This is not required if specifying a port.
  • Portusually 2382
  • Authentication: provide the a domain user and password that has administrative rights to Analysis Services. Then set how end-user authentication will be accomplished.
    • Machine Fallback: check this in the event the security mechanics can be ignored
  • MDX Compatibility: set this to "1" for older MDX functional compliance.
  • Azure Tabular: indicate if this is an Azure Tabular connection (only on Tabular types)
  • Connection Type: choose the manner in which the SSAS server is configured to receive connections.
  • Multi Pass Authentication: if authentication via impersonation fails, try other authentication options.

Click here for more details about Analysis Services.

Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Server

  • Instance Name: provide the name of the instance if configured. This should be blank if using the default. This is not required if specifying a port.
  • Port typically 1433
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password or provide Windows Authentication mechanism.

Setting up Windows Authentication for MS SQL Server can be quite complex. Click here for more.


  • Port: typically 3306
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


  • Port: typically 5480
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


Click here for more on configuring ODBC.


  • Service Name: this is the separate Oracle service name or ID. Required.
  • Port: typically 1521
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password


This connector will usually work for any implementation of PostgreSQL including Heroqu and Amazon Aurora.

  • Port: typically 5432
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password
  • Default Database: The connection may need at least 1 database included to work - it depends on the implementation.


You must provide the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from your SalesForce environment. Click here to learn how to setup SalesForce for these details.

  • Authentication: provide the application user and password
  • Security Token: The security token for connections provided by SalesForce
  • Custom Domain: if required, the connection can be made to a custom SalesForce domain - which must then be provided.


SAP BW and HANA require a more complex process for setup.

SAP (Sybase) IQ

  • Instance Name: provide the name of the instance if configured. This should be blank if using the default.
  • Port typically 2638
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password.
  • Default Database: The connection needs at least 1 database included to work.


  • URL: this is the SharePoint entry point
  • Authentication: provide the Microsoft ID user and password (especially for Office 365) or provide the Windows Authentication mechanism.


Snowflake does not require a server address.

  • Account Name: the snowflake account name
  • Region: set the Snowflake region where your data warehouse is hosted
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password
  • Warehouse: Provide the name of the warehouse you will be connecting to. Each warehouse needs a separate connection.


  • Port typically 1025
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password or use Keytabs


Twitter requires a more complex process for setup. Click here for more details.


  • Port typically 5433
  • Authentication: provide the application user and password.
  • Default Database: The connection needs at least 1 database included to work.